Babies are not born with low self-esteem, anxiety, or issues with body image or weight. These issues are acquired from our perception of the experiences we have. From a young age we start to form beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, some are positive, and some are negative.
We may pick up unhelpful beliefs such as, I'm not good enough, I can't connect, what I want isn't available to me. The good news is, that because these beliefs are something you acquired, you can also choose to let them go, to be free of them and to reconnect to the truth about you, you are enough, you matter, you are lovable, worthy, and deserving.
The wonderful thing is you hold all the answers. Your subconscious mind knows exactly how, when, and why you acquired these limiting beliefs about yourself. It also knows how you can shed them and be free of them. It's my job to facilitate this transformation and to assist you in installing new empowering beliefs about yourself, so you can be free forever of the issues holding you back and keeping you stuck.
Having a body you feel comfortable, confident and happy in, is available to you. Feeling deeply connected to yourself and to other people, feeling relaxed and at ease within yourself and when speaking to others is available to you. Liking how you look and having a healthy relationship with food is available to you. Regardless of how long you've been struggling, you can change how you currently feel.
If you are struggling with anxiety and worrying thoughts, if sleep has become an issue, if you have spent years dieting and battling with unwanted weight only to find yourself back where you started, then it's time to try a different approach.
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a hybrid form of hypnotherapy, it works with the subconscious, emotional mind. Hypnosis is not magic, it's science, it's easy and anyone can do it. I'll talk you into a relaxed state where you'll experience a heightened state of awareness. I will be talking to you the entire time, and you will actively participate in your session, so you don't need to worry about falling asleep.
If your session is over Zoom and our call gets disconnected, you'll notice that you're not hearing my voice and you'll easily be able to open your eyes and reconnect our call and we'll continue the session.
Following your RTT session I'll send you a personalised, powerful hypnotic recording to wire in these new empowering and motivating beliefs. The repetition of listening to your recording is key to cementing these new beliefs into your subconscious mind. So, feeling relaxed and at ease becomes your new natural state of being, making healthy choices becomes automatic, exercise becomes something you enjoy and do willingly, feeling good about yourself, confident and happy in your body is your new normal.
If you're ready to shed your old unhelpful beliefs and install new upgraded beliefs, let's have a chat. Simply click on the button below and book a free 30-minute consultation call.
There's no pressure to work with me, it's simply an informal chat for you to find out more and start to feel better.